Tag Archives: hillary clinton

A Better Primary System

3 Feb
  1. Let Iowa and New Hampshire continue holding nominating contests in early February.
  2. Then, sort all remaining states (and voting territories, like Guam) by size, and classify them into three tiers, with an approximately equal number of delegates at stake in each tier.
  3. All states in the first tier (the smallest states) vote on the second Tuesday in February.
  4. Tier two votes on the second Tuesday in March.
  5. Tier three votes on the second Tuesday in April. And then you can hold the conventions in May.
  6. Tiers 1 and 3 rotate places every four years.


The current primary system is a mess.

Almost every state is faced with a dilemma: 1) leave the primary where it is and resign oneself to a state of irrelevance, or 2) move the primary inexorably earlier, wasting millions, or even hundreds of millions of dollars (as in the case of California in 2008) just in the transaction costs of hosting Presidential primaries separately from local primaries. The alternative (moving all of the local primaries earlier and earlier every year) is likewise sub-optimally palatable.

The public are forced to coexist with an inexorably lengthening election cycle, in which national elections have become a near-constant phenomenon.

Those few states that take a moral stand and refuse to move their primary to gain influence are punished for it.

Finally, the primary system is lumpy. Some states’ primaries are all alone amidst a sea of media coverage. Others’ are all clogged into Super Tuesday.

It is, quite simply, a senseless mess. And, everyone knows it.

If everyone knows and agrees that it is a mess, then why hasn’t anyone changed it? 

That’s a great question. One might similarly ask why Congress never seems to get around to passing budget bills until the government is brought to the brink of collapse. The simple answer is that a complex system with many stakeholders contains a lot of obstacles to doing things. Few states have a strong interest in reforming the primary system. But, the traditional first few states have a very large interest in retaining their primacy.

Plus, not everyone has coalesced around the same solution yet. A lot of people would like the states to all be equal. Iowa and New Hampshire want to retain their primacy. Some people think that the race fundamentally changes once the first couple of actual votes are cast and recorded, and so it is a good idea to put a couple of states without a ton of delegates a bit ahead of everyone else, so that the system has a chance to adjust to whatever happens and really vet the candidates. Some people want a drawn out primary, so that the candidates are more thoroughly vetted. Other people advocate a shorter primary, so that the eventual winner is less damaged by the time they go up against the opposition.

This system gets around those concerns. 

By retaining Iowa and New Hampshire as the first states, this plan simultaneously avoids pissing off those states and retains the advantages of having a couple of states out front for early vetting. The inhabitants of both states are actually quite used to performing this job, and take cultural pride in it. Anyways, they really only have a few delegates between them, so it doesn’t make that much difference to everyone else.

Then, this system puts all of the other states on equal footing with eachother. Under this system, there are no states that are truly irrelevant, as there is a substantial possibility that any given competitive election will still be undecided by the time it gets to the third wave.

In the current system, campaign events are heavily concentrated in the first 4 states, and almost non-existent for states whose contests occur after Super Tuesday. This system would allow candidates to focus their efforts in states that are conducive to their message. All states would see campaign events.

By the same token, we should do away with the electoral college, and enter an era of true representative democracy.

Just saying.


The #1 Way Donald Trump is Helping Hillary Clinton

18 Aug

There are a lot of ways that The Donald is helping The Hillary in her quest to become the first female POTUS. For starters, he makes the GOP look pretty gawdawful to low information moderate and democratic voters who see only “current Republican frontrunner” coupled with “lots of crazy positions and offensive comments.” But, the thing about low information voters is that they don’t pay very much attention to politics, or the news in general. Consequently, they tend to have short memories, and they are ultimately unlikely to punish Jeb Bush or Scott Walker on election day for what Donald Trump said more than a year earlier. No, The Donald does something far worse for the GOP’s electoral prospects than to be a Republican saying all the wrong things — he gets other people to say them too.

Donald Trump is Making Republican Candidates Take Hardline Stances on Immigration That Will Haunt Them in the General Election

1) Deport the undocumented en masse. 2) Seize the money they try to send home. 3) Deny citizenship to their U.S.-born children. These are some of the policy positions that Donald Trump has now embraced in his new policy paper. Jeb Bush has thus far resisted Trump’s ideas, calling them impractical and unrealistic. But in Iowa, Scott Walker has now started to call for a wall along the southern border. He has also started to question the wisdom of the Constitutional provision for “birthright citizenship.”

In order to win the primary, you have to appeal to the base of the party. The base of the Republican party currently disagrees vehemently with mainstream America on a handful of issues, most saliently for present purposes, immigration. Donald Trump, in riding a wave of anti-immigrant fervor in the base of the Republican party, has brought the issue into the spotlight of the Republican primary issue sphere, and now all of the candidates are being forced to talk about it, and to take hardline conservative stances on the issue — that is, if they want to have a shot at getting the nomination. For someone who wants to see Barack Obama replaced by a Republican, this is a nightmare scenario.

Recall early 2012, when Mitt Romney took hardline stances on immigration, and started talking about self-deportation in order to pull in stubborn conservative voters. This year, the Republican establishment wanted desperately to avoid the topic. When it comes up, Republican primary candidates are forced to take hardline stances that please primary voters, knowing that those stances will make it difficult to win the general election.

Mitt Romney performed worse amongst latino voters than any other Republican candidate since 1980 not named Bob Dole. 


The biggest present Trump has ever handed to Hillary Clinton has been this: sucking up all of the media coverage with an all-out assault on immigration, an thereby forcing mainstream and establishment Republican candidates to talk about the issue and take stances that will come back to haunt them.

Winners and Losers from the First Republican Presidential Debate

12 Aug

We can now compare Republican candidate’s performance in the four most recent pre-debate polls with their performance in Rasmussen’s first post-debate poll and thereby see who the big winners — and losers — really were.

Quick note: Rasmussen has occasionally been implicitly or explicitly accused of being an untrustworthy pollster with right-leaning political motivations by, stats guru Nate Silver, electoral-vote.com, and by me.


1) Carly Fiorina

Pre-debate polling average: 1.25%

Post-debate: 9%

Gain: 7.75%

2) Rubio

Pre-debate polling average: 5.25%

Post-debate: 10%

Gain: 4.75%

3) Carson

Pre-debate polling average: 5.75%

Post-debate: 8%

Gain: 2.25%


Pre-debate polling average: 5.5%

Post-debate: 7%

Gain: 1.5%


Pre-debate polling average: 2.75%

Post-debate: 4%

Gain: 1.25%


1) Trump

Pre-debate polling average: 24.25%

Post-debate: 17%

Gain: -7.25%

2) Huckabee

Pre-debate polling average: 6.75%

Post-debate: 3%

Gain: -3.75%

3) Bush

Pre-debate polling average: 12.5%

Post-debate: 10%

Gain: -2.5%

Everyone Else


Pre-debate polling average: 9.5%

Post-debate: 9%

Gain: -0.5%


Pre-debate polling average: 4.5%

Post-debate: 4%

Gain: -0.5%


Pre-debate polling average: 3.5%

Post-debate: 4%

Gain: 0.5%


Pre-debate polling average: 1.75%

Post-debate: 1%

Gain: 0.75%


Pre-debate polling average: 1.5%

Post-debate: 1%

Gain: -0.5%


Pre-debate polling average: 1.25%

Post-debate: 1%

Gain: -0.25%


Pre-debate polling average: 0.5%

Post-debate: 1%

Gain: 0.5%

Keep in mind that Trump still came in with a 7% polling lead. Fox News may be kindof affiliated with Rasmussen. Both may be kindof extensions of the Republican party, or at least the establishment wing of the Republican party. Both may be biased towards getting a Republican president elected. Both may realize that Trump wouldn’t have a shot in hell against Hillary, and both may therefore have an interest in portraying Trump as a loser and in biasing polling data and presidential debates to turn Republican primary voters away from him.

Early in the debate, Fox displayed the number of golf courses Trump owns on the screen briefly while he was answering one of the many tough questions the moderators threw at him. They asked tough questions of every candidate, but none more so than of Trump. To be fair, Trump has said a LOT of things that would ordinarily be expected to end a campaign. Additionally, Fox was likely able to boost its ratings by focusing on the many crazy things Trump has said or done in the past.

In the end, take everything with a grain of salt.


In the end, the big winner is Carly Fiorina, who went from almost 0% of the vote to being tied with the likes of Bush, Walker, and Rubio, for second place behind Trump. Fiorina is now likely to be considered a serious candidate for the nomination. It remains to be seen how her debate bump in popularity will continue through the coming weeks, but one thing is for sure: she is no longer a candidate to ignore. Rubio has also risen back to the top tier of candidates following his brief hiatus. Trump’s bubble may finally have popped, and he could now be facing the same fate as other bubble candidates before him, like Michelle Bachman and Herman Cain. I am particularly inclined to think Trump’s bubble has been popped because he is facing legitimate fallout over his Megyn Kelly feud and over the fact that he essentially used to be a democrat (primary voters who previously supported him may not have been fully aware of the extent of his democratic allegiance before Fox News so carefully pointed it out during the debate).

Other than that, though, the overall race remains virtually unchanged, with Bush remaining the best bet.

Hillary Clinton Released her First Television Ad Today, Watch

3 Aug

The ad opens with Clinton talking about her mother, Dorothy, who was not wanted by her parents or her grandparents (who ended up raising her). But Dorothy learned strong family values, and that is why Hillary was able to grow up in such a wonderful, loving family. Hillary Clinton is running for President for all of the Dorothies out there.

This is a textbook example of a first ad.

It is vague.

She vaguely talks about how she wants to run for President for all the Dorothies in the world, without giving away a single policy position. She talks about her mother, family values, and America. She says absolutely nothing that anyone could possibly disagree with.

It contains no negativity towards any living human beings.

Hillary doesn’t even mention Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, or any of the 15-or-so Republican Presidential candidates (who are tearing each other apart in a media frenzy driven partly by the need to make it onto the first debate stage).

Details like hair, makeup, pantsuit color, facial expression, tone, music, and subject matter are carefully crafted to subtly modify voters’ perception of Clinton as cold and calculating.

The ad features Clinton wearing soft, bright, cheery colors, in decent sunlight, with a smile on her face. The background music is calming and simple. Clinton’s hair and makeup are carefully crafted to make her look soft, inviting, caring, and genuine. Clinton is a grandmother now. Grandmothers aren’t cold, dishonest, or calculating.


You can view the full ad for yourself on hillaryclinton.com, where you can also donate to the noble cause of producing more ads. 

There is HOW much money in the 2016 campaign? Where? Who? What? Why?

2 Aug

“Never before has so much money been donated by such a small number of people so early.” – Washington Post

Mitt Romney and Barack Obama each raised about $1 billion total during the 2012 race, including Super Pacs, the RNC, and the DNC. In 2012, Mitt Romney’s Super Pacs raised a total of $225.4 million, while Barack Obama’s raised $91.5 million. 

The Money

Last Updated: 8/1/2015

Total 2016: $418.2 million

Super Pac Total: $288.4 million

Super Pac %: 68.96%

Republican Super Pacs Total: $272.5 million

Republican Super Pac Percent: 94.49%

Democratic Super Pacs Total: $15.9 million

Democratic Super Pac Percent: 5.51%

Campaign Total: $129.8 million

Campaign Percent: 31.04%

Republican Campaigns Total: $67 million

Republican Campaigns Percent: 51.62%

Democratic Campaigns Total: $62.8 million

Democratic Campaigns Percent: 48.38%

Number of donors who have shelled out more than $1 million dollars apiece: 58

Total amount contributed by million-dollar-plus donors: $120 million

Percentage of total contributed to super pacs by million-dollar-plus donors: 28.69%

Top 3 Donors

1) Robert Mercer, New York hedge-fund manager

Total donated: $11 m

Candidate: Ted Cruz (R)

2) Toby Neugebauer, Houston private equity investor

Total donated: $10 m

Candidate: Ted Cruz (R)

3) Kelcy Warren, Dallas energy executive; national finance chairman for Rick Perry’s campaign

Total donated: $6 m

Candidate: Rick Perry (R)

Top 10 Candidates

1) Jeb Bush (R) 

Total: $119.9 m

Super Pac: $108.5 m

Super Pac %: 90.49%

2) Hillary Clinton (D) 

Total: $62.7 m

Super Pac: $15.6 m

Super Pac %: 24.88%

3) Ted Cruz (R)

Total: $52.1 m

Super Pac: $37.8 m

Super Pac %: 72.55%

4) Marco Rubio (R) 

Total: $45.2 m

Super Pac: $33.1 m

Super Pac %: 73.23%

5) Scott Walker (R) 

Total: $26.2 m

Super Pac: $26.2 m

Super Pac %: 100%

6) Bernie Sanders (D) 

Total: $15.1 m

Super Pac: $0

Super Pac %: 0%

7) Chris Christie (R) 

Total: $14.4 m

Super Pac: $14.4 m

Super Pac %: 100%

8) Rick Perry (R) 

Total: $13.9 m

Super Pac: $12.8 m

Super Pac %: 92.09%

9) Rand Paul (R) 

Total: $13.1 m

Super Pac: $6.2 m

Super Pac %: 47.33%

10) John Kasich (R) 

Total: $11.5 m

Super Pac: $11.5 m

Super Pac %: 100%


What’s up with Trump? His approval numbers. What’s up, Donald Trump?

18 Jul

Trump has been repeatedly lampooned as a sideshow to the 2016 Presidential race. The Huffington Post has relegated coverage of him to their “entertainment” section. Former Republican Presidential candidate John McCain recently said Trump “fired up the crazies,” to which Trump responded by tweet-calling McCain a “dummy” (Not even kidding.). Remember Nate Silver, AKA the only guy in the media whose statistical model accurately predicted every state in the electoral college in 2012? His blog (formerly part of NYT, now ESPN), fivethirtyeight.com, published an article one month ago titled, “Why Donald Trump Isn’t a Real Candidate, In One Chart.” The premise of the article was that Trump’s abysmal favorability rating amongst Republicans, 25% – 57%, “by far the worst of the 106 presidential candidates since 1980,” operated as a ceiling on how high his poll numbers could go. Since he was a well-known figure, the logic went, the underlying favorability rating was unlikely to change much, and Trump’s antics could only get him so far with a small, fired up group of crazies.

And yet, according to the Washington Post’s latest poll, 57% of Republicans now have a favorable view of Trump.

Really? A few careless words about Mexican rapist illegal immigrants and suddenly Trump’s approval ratings jump from worst-since-1980 to close-second-only-to-Jeb-Bush, who, by the way, now comes in behind Trump nationally in BOTH of the TWO most recent polls?!? Really?

Not only have Trump’s ratings improved amongst crazy tea party types, but they have improved amongst EVERYONE, independents, moderate democrats, and even a few points from liberal democrats! This isn’t some back-woods pollster, either. It’s the Washington Post, which is generally considered an old and reputable organization. Further, a substantial improvement (albeit not quite as shocking) was replicated in the other most recent poll of Trump’s favorables, according to an article from Business Insider, presciently titled, “One of the biggest arguments against taking Donald Trump’s campaign seriously is starting to evaporate.” 

So, what on EARTH is going on with Donald Trump? 

Many have dismissed his Presidential bid as an ego trip, but I’m not so sure.

“Only a fool casually dismisses a billionaire as a fool.” Me, now.

I think a smart person would take a long hard look and figure out what Trump is getting out of all this. He isn’t stupid. You don’t make billions of dollars that way. You make billions of dollars by being savvy and manipulative, by carefully projecting an image of yourself, and by planning ahead. Maybe Trump doesn’t think that he has a chance at becoming President, maybe he doesn’t want to be President, maybe he can’t become President, and maybe he isn’t even trying.

I have seen multiple suggestions (including this one from the Washington Post, the sarcasm of which I am not entirely sure of), citing Trump’s extensive past political donations to democrats and his professed liberal policy positions, that Trump is secretly purposively sabotaging the GOP’s image in the hopes of cementing the chances of his “old friend” Hillary Clinton. 

However, I don’t believe it, at least not entirely. Even if Trump were close friends with Hillary, it wouldn’t be worth it. Trump is inherently a selfish human being (you kindof have to be selfish to accumulate billions of dollars!).

Trump’s Presidential ambitions have already cost him perhaps $1 billion.

NBC and Univision have severed business relationships with him. His brand (which accounts for one-third, or several billion dollars of his claimed net worth) has plummeted, for now, from golden to toxic. Plus, he is supposedly self-funding at least a good chunk of his campaign.

If Trump wanted Hillary Clinton to win badly enough to waste $1 billion, he could have just donated $1 billion and funded her entire campaign.

I’m no more willing to believe that this is all just one big PR stunt to boost ratings for Celebrity Apprentice.

Trump has alienated an entire race of people. He is dropping business relationships like Family Guy drops similes. There are now a substantial number of people who might boycott anything attached to him. That’s not good for business. That’s not good for ratings. If he doesn’t get lucky, then once his contract expires there’s not going to beCelebrity Apprentice.

Ego Shmeego.

Trump has come a long way in life. Maybe his ego is real, and maybe it’s an act, but it has NEVER come directly between him and $1 billion before, and I don’t believe he would let it do so now. Whatever Trump is playing at, he knows EXACTLY what he is doing, and I’m betting he is going to come out on top somehow.


We don’t know what is going on in Trump’s brain, but he is tapping into real energy in the GOP base. His near-universal name recognition is certainly helping, and maybe his bubble will pop, but consider this: 1) Trump already has the money on hand to keep running ads on TV through the primary season. 1) He taps into a very specific and non-zero portion of the GOP primary electorate, and that portion can buoy him up in an extremely crowded GOP field. 3) He has been cleverly playing directly to the issues that animate the GOP base most, and his brash, brazen manner make it hard to get a scandalous misspeak to bring him down. 4) The media are afraid NOT to report on him. 5) The GOP establishment are afraid to offend him, for fear that he will run as a third party candidate in the general election. 6) He is getting wall-to-wall news coverage, and likely will continue to do so throughout the election cycle. 8) When the right wing of the Republican party sees the “liberal media” attacking someone, their instinct is to defend and befriend that person. And, finally, 7) his favorability rating just went from absolutely ridiculously horrible to fantastic in just one month!

Trump may not become the Republican nominee, and I am not even going to speculate on what would happen in a general election (harrumph… epic etch-a-sketch…humph). But, he is definitely a force to be reckoned with. He is wealthy, powerful, and influential. It would be a mistake to ignore him. And, most of all, it would be a mistake to casually dismiss him as a fool on an ego trip. Donald Trump simply isn’t going to fade away into oblivion until/unless Donald Trump decides to do so. In the meantime, let’s hunker down for the most interesting Republican Presidential primary season that the world has ever known.

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